Peace Officer Refresher Academy (March 2025)

Police Badge

March 10-11, 2025, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sinclair College, Bdg. 19, 214 S. Wilkinson St., Dayton, OH 45402

This training is required for persons appointed as peace officers on, or after, January 1, 1989 and who have had a break in services of more than one year but less than four years. This two-day course meets the requirements described in Section 109: 2-1-12(D) of the Ohio Administrative Code. 

Participants must be a commissioned Ohio law enforcement officer and upload or email their OPOTA Training Determination Notice prior to the training start date.  Registrants without OPOTA authorization via the Training Determination notice will not be allowed to participate in class and receive credit. For more information on refresher requirements, please contact OPOTC’s Professional Standards Division at 740-845-2700 or